
Sex: Female

  • Electromyography and Dystonia, University of Tokushima, 2004
  • Post-Graduate Fellowship Training in Electromyography, University of Tokushima, 2003
  • Fellowship in Neurology, University of the East - Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Hospital, 1999
  • Residency, West Visayas State University Hospital, 1995
  • Doctor of Medicine, West Visayas State University, 1991
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, University of San Agustin, 1987

Field of Specialization
Internal Medicine
Adult Neurologist
Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies


Article title: Evaluation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification test kit (TB Lamp) for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in a tertiary hospital in Iloilo City: Retrospective Study
Authors: Rollin P Tabuena, Jiggy Leonard F. Landong, Ma. Daisy P. Tabuena, Earl Joshua G. Alcantara and Ma. Theresa Crisanta L. Anayan
Publication title: Chest Infections 164(4), Supplement October 2023

Purpose: For a very long time, the public health of the entire world has been seriously threatened by tuberculosis (TB). WHO’s End TB Strategy calls for the early diagnosis of TB. A commercial molecular assay, the LoopampTM Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) detection kit uses loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), and is referred to as TB-LAMP. Because of its limited infrastructure requirements and relative ease of use, TB-LAMP is being explored for use as a rapid diagnostic test. This study will determine the sensitivity and specificity of TB-LAMP in diagnosing Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Tertiary Hospital in Iloilo City
This study will determine the accuracy of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Test Kit (TB-LAMP) in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in a tertiary hospital in Iloilo City.
Methods: Design: Retrospective, Cross-Sectional
Setting: Iloilo Mission Hospital, Iloilo City, Philippines
Population: All patients at Iloilo Mission Hospital from January 1, 2019 until December 31, 2021 who were diagnosed as having Pulmonary Tuberculosis based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of this study.
Maneuvers: Chart review of patients with PTB was done and information were collected for analysis. Demographic and clinical data, as well as results of TB-LAMP, DSSM and GeneXpert were studied and coded for statistics and were analyzed using Pearson chi-square test and Cramer’s V.
Results: This study included a total of 106 patients. 105 had DSSM results, 41 had GX results, and 76 of them had TB-LAMP results. The TB-LAMP had 100% sensitivity and specificity when compared to DSSM. When the data were examined closely, an association was discovered between DSSM and TB-LAMP (X2(4)> = 69.996, p =.000). And Cramer's V of.575 with p =.000
Conclusions: The TB-LAMP in this study had 100% sensitivity and specificity when compared to GeneXpert. When the data were examined closely, an association was discovered between LAMP and GeneXpert (X2(4)> = 45.399, p =.000). And Cramer's V of.463 with p =.000.
Clinical Implications: The findings of this study demonstrated that TB-LAMP is a reliable and useful diagnostic test for pulmonary tuberculosis. It has the same accuracy as GeneXpert and DSSM in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, so TB-LAMP could be used as an alternative diagnostic test.
The findings of this study could help improve current guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency in the Philippines : A case report of two siblings
Authors: Ma Daisy Tabuena, Ryoma Morigaki, Ryosuke Miyamoto, Hideo Mure, Nobuaki Yamamoto, Kazuhisa Miyake, Taku Matsuda, Yuishin Izumi, Yasushi Takagi, Rollin P Tabuena, Toshitaka Kawarai
Publication title: The Journal of Medical Investigation 68(3.4):400-403, 2021

Here we report two siblings with ataxia and peripheral neuropathy. One patient showed head tremors. Genetic analysis revealed a mutation in the hepatic α-tocopherol transfer protein (α-TTP) gene (TTPA) on chromosome 8q13. They were diagnosed with ataxia with vitamin E deficiency which is firstly reported in the Philippines. As the symptoms of ataxia with vitamin E deficiency can be alleviated with lifelong vitamin E administration, differential diagnosis from similar syndromes is important. In addition, ataxia with vitamin E deficiency causes movement disorders. Therefore, a common hereditary disease in the Philippines, X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism, could be another differential diagnosis. The Philippines is an archipelago comprising 7,107 islands, and the prevalence of rare hereditary diseases among the populations of small islands is still unclear. For neurologists, establishing a system of genetic diagnosis and counseling in rural areas remains challenging. These unresolved problems should be addressed in the near future. J. Med. Invest. 68 : 400-403, August, 2021.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Depression in X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism: a case-control study
Authors: Ryoma Morigaki, Masahito Nakataki, Toshitaka Kawarai, Lillian V Lee, Rosalia A Teleg, Ma Daisy P Tabuena, Hideo Mure, Wataru Sako, Paul Matthew D Pasco, Shinji Nagahiro, Junichi Iga, Tetsuro Ohmori, Satoshi Goto, Ryuji Kaji
Publication title: Parkinsons and Related disorders 19(9): 844-6, 2013

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Application of long-range polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of x-linked dystonia-parkinsonism
Authors: Toshitaka Kawarai, Paul Matthew D Pasco, Rosalia A Teleg, Masaki Kamada, Waka Sakai, Komei Shimozono, Makoto Mizuguchi, Daisy Tabuena, Antonio Orlacchio, Yuishin Izumi, Satoshi Goto, Lillian V Lee, Ryuji Kaji
Publication title: Neurogenetics 14(2):167-9, 2013

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: The relationship of D-Dimer levels with pulmonary thromboembolism
Authors: Navarro III F.J., Tabuena R., Tabuena M.D.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 46:7-13, 2008

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: The role of Perilesional Edema on the Outcome of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Authors: Baylosis, E.J., Tabuena M.D., Tabuena R.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 46:1-6, 2008

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Diagnostic Yield isolate from Bronchoalveolar lavage versus sputum culture: The Iloilo Mission Hospital experience
Authors: Bullas M.B., Capacio M.A., Tabuena R., Tabuena M.D.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 46: 63-68, 2008

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Use of Eosinophil Count In induced Sputum and Blood in Evaluating Airway Inflammation in asthmatic and normal subjects.
Authors: Sarbues M.L., Tabuena R., Tabuena M.D.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 46:63-68, 2008

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: C-reaction Protein as a Diagnostic Marker for Community acquired Pneumonia.
Authors: Belosillo-Lindero J. Tabuena R., Tabuena M.D.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 46:69-73, 2008

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Reduced Neuron Specific Expression of the TAF1 Gene is associated with X-Linked Dystonia Parkinsonism
Authors: Satoshi Makino, Ryuji Kaji, Satoshi Ando, Maiko Tomizawa, Katsuhito Yasuno, Satoshi Goto, Shinnichi Matsumoto, Maria Daisy Tabuena, Elma Maranon, Marita Dantes, Lillian V Lee, Kazumasa Ogasawara, Ikuo Tooyama, Hiroyasu Akatsu, Masataka Nishimura, Gen Tamiya
Publication title: American Journal of Human Genetics 80(3): 393-406, 2007

X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism (XDP) is a movement disorder endemic to the Philippines. The disease locus, DYT3, has been mapped to Xq13.1. In a search for the causative gene, we performed genomic sequencing analysis, followed by expression analysis of XDP brain tissues. We found a disease-specific SVA (short interspersed nuclear element, variable number of tandem repeats, and Alu composite) retrotransposon insertion in an intron of the TATA-binding protein-associated factor 1 gene (TAF1), which encodes the largest component of the TFIID complex, and significantly decreased expression levels of TAF1 and the dopamine receptor D2 gene (DRD2) in the caudate nucleus. We also identified an abnormal pattern of DNA methylation in the retrotransposon in the genome from the patient's caudate, which could account for decreased expression of TAF1. Our findings suggest that the reduced neuron-specific expression of the TAF1 gene is associated with XDP.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) in additional to conventional diagnostic bronchoscopy (CDB) in the diagnosis of submucosal and peri bronchial lesions- Iloilo City
Authors: Tabuena R., Tabuena M.D., Basco J., Navarro F. III
Publication title: European Respiratory Journal 2007

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: The Mini-Mental Status Examination as a screening Test for Vascular Dementia among Chronic Hypertensive Patients.
Authors: Diaz M.T., Tabuena R., Tabuena M.D.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 45:185-190, 2007

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Cranial CT findings among patients with Transient Ischemic attack (TIA) at Iloilo Mission Hospital.
Authors: Baylosis, E.J., Baria S.M., Tabuena R., Tabuena M.D.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 45:7-10, 2007

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Weaning Outcome of Neurological Patients at the Intensive Care Unit of West Visayas State University Center
Authors: Guiterrez-Buyco M., Tabuena M.D., Tabuena R.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 44:213-218, 2006

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: KCNQ channels mediate 1Ks, a lower K+current regulating excitability in the node of Ranvier
Authors: J R Schwarz, G Glassmeier, E C Cooper, T-C Kao, H Nodera, D Tabuena, R Kaji, and H Bostock
Publication title: The Journal of Physiology 573(Pt 1): 17–34, 2006

Mutations that reduce the function of KCNQ2 channels cause neuronal hyperexcitability, manifested as epileptic seizures and myokymia. These channels are present in nodes of Ranvier in rat brain and nerve and have been proposed to mediate the slow nodal potassium current IKs. We have used immunocytochemistry, electrophysiology and pharmacology to test this hypothesis and to determine the contribution of KCNQ channels to nerve excitability in the rat. When myelinated nerve fibres of the sciatic nerve were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy using antibodies against KCNQ2 and KCNQ3, all nodes showed strong immunoreactivity for KCNQ2. The nodes of about half the small and intermediate sized fibres showed labelling for both KCNQ2 and KCNQ3, but nodes of large fibres were labelled by KCNQ2 antibodies only. In voltage-clamp experiments using large myelinated fibres, the selective KCNQ channel blockers XE991 (IC50 = 2.2 μm) and linopirdine (IC50 = 5.5 μm) completely inhibited IKs, as did TEA (IC50 = 0.22 mm). The KCNQ channel opener retigabine (10 μm) shifted the activation curve to more negative membrane potentials by −24 mV, thereby increasing IKs. In isotonic KCl 50% of IKs was activated at −62 mV. The activation curve shifted to more positive potentials as [K+]o was reduced, so that the pharmacological and biophysical properties of IKs were consistent with those of heterologously expressed homomeric KCNQ2 channels. The ability of XE991 to selectively block IKs was further exploited to study IKs function in vivo. In anaesthetized rats, the excitability of tail motor axons was indicated by the stimulus current required to elicit a 40% of maximal compound muscle action potential. XE991 (2.5 mg kg−1 i.p.) eliminated all nerve excitability functions previously attributed to IKs: accommodation to 100 ms subthreshold depolarizing currents, the post-depolarization undershoot in excitability, and the late subexcitability after a single impulse or short trains of impulses. Due to reduced spike-frequency adaptation after XE991 treatment, 100 ms suprathreshold current injections generated long trains of action potentials. We conclude that the nodal IKs current is mediated by KCNQ channels, which in large fibres of rat sciatic nerve appear to be KCNQ2 homomers.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Peripheral Arterial Disease’s Prevalence using Ankle Brachial Index (ABI): Its association to stroke
Authors: Dianco F., Tabuena M.D., Tabuena R.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 44:219-223, 2006

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Hemicraniectomy in the middle cerebral artery infarction: A case report.
Authors: Minerva I.T., Tabuena M.D., Tabuena R.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 44:209-212, 2006

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Prognostic factors affecting mortality of adult patients with hypertensive hemorrhage of the basal ganglia admitted at West Visayas State University Medical Center
Authors: Lee C.L., Tabuena M.D., Tabuena R.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 44: 191-195, 2006

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Effects of dexamethasone in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage if the basal ganglia.
Authors: Sumagpao N., Tabuena M.D., Tabuena R.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 44:185-189, 2006

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Onset of a second stroke in patients maintained on low dose and medium dose aspirin
Authors: Pedroso, M.D., Punzalan, R., Tabuena, R.
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine 40:101-104, 2002

No abstract available
Full text available upon request to the author


  • Awardee, Faabvolous Women of Faabvolous X1 by Rupert Jacinto, Mariott Hotel, Manila, November 20, 2023
  • Asia's Golden Icons Awards of 2023: Asia's Exceptional Doctor in Neurology Medicine, Meditteranean Waterfront, Cebu City, June 2, 2023
  • Asia's Modern Heroes of 2023: Heroes Renowned Medical Internist and Neurologist Specialist of the Year, The Grand Ballroom, Okada, Manila, February 17, 2023
  • Most Outstanding Women of Iloilo City, March 31 2015
  • Most Outstanding Alumni Award in the Field of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of San Agustin Alumni Association, February 28, 2014
  • Recipient of the Japaneses Scholarship Grant for Foreign Students on Electromyography and Dystonia, University of Tokushima, October 28, 2004-December 26, 2004
  • Recepient of the Takeda Postgraduate Fellowship Grant Training in Electromyography, University of Tokushima, November 2002-February 2003)
  • Chief Resident, University of the East-Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Hospital, Department of Clinical Neurosciences Section of Neurology, Manila 1999
  • Chief Resident, West Visayas State University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Iloilo City (1995)
  • Magna Cum Laude, University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, Bachelor of Science in Biology
  • Salutatorian, Colegio de la Immaculada Concepcion, High School, Pototan Iloilo (1983)
  • Valedictorian, Palanguia Elementary School, Pototan Iloilo (1979)