Sex: Female


  • De La Salle University, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
  • De La Salle University, Master of Science in Biology
  • University of the Philippines, Bachelor of Science in Biological Science

Field of Specialization

Plant Ecology, Bioinformatics, Plant Conservation, Plant Systematics, Terrestrial Ecology, Plant Taxonomy


Ragasa, C.Y., Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2015) Chemical Constituents of Cycas edentata
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Volume 33, No. 2

Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2015) Secondary Metabolites from the Male Cone of Cycas vespertilio
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research Volume 7, No. 4

Ragasa, C.Y., Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2015) A Neolignan from Cycas sancti-lasallei
Der Pharma Chemica Volume 7, No. 7

Ragasa, C.Y., Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2015) Chemical constituents of Cycas vespertilio
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia

Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Consolacion, R.Y., (2015) Chemical Constituents of Cycas lacrimans
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research Volume 7, No. 3

Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2015) Chemical Constituents of Cycas sancti-lasallei
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Volume 5, No. Suppl 1

Ragasa, C.Y., Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M., & Shen, C.C., (2015) Lignans and a Furanone from Cycas sancti-lasallei
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research Volume 7, No. 5

Matthews, P.J., Nguyen, V.D., Tandang, D., Agoo, E.M.G., & Madulid, D.A., (2015) Taxonomy and ethnobotany of Colocasia esculenta and C. formosana (Araceae): implications for the evolution, natural range, and domestication of taro
Aroideana International Aroid Society, Inc. Volume 38E, No. 1

Ragasa, C.Y., Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2016) Chemical constituents of Cycas zambalensis
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Volume 52, No. 1

Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2015) Secondary Metabolites from Cycas edentata
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Volume 7, No. 9

Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2015) Secondary Metabolites from Cycas aenigma
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Volume 7, No. 6

Ragasa, C.Y., Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2016) Terpenoids and sterols from Cycas vespertilio
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Volume 52, No. 3

Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2015) Chemical Constituents of Cycas aenigma
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Volume 5, No. 9

Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., Del Fierro, R.S., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2014) Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Compounds from Cinnamomum cebuense Kosterm. (Lauraceae)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal Volume 48, No. 9

Ragasa, C.Y., Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2014) Chemical Constituents of Cinnamomum trichophyllum
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Volume 50, No. 2

Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2013) Chemical Constituents of Cinnamomum iners
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Volume 49, No. 5

Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2013) Chemical Constituents of Cinnamomum iners
Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii , No. 5

Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2013) Chemical Constituents of Cinnamomum utile
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Volume 49, No. 4

Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2013) Chemical Constituents of Cinnamomum utile
Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii , No. 4

Clores, M.A., & Agoo, E.M.G., (2013) Flowering Distribution and Fruiting Success of Syringodium Isoetifolium (Cymodoceaceae) in Bogtong Bay, Lahuy Island, Caramoan, Philippines
Academic Research International Volume 4, No. 4

Ragasa, C.Y., Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2013) Chemical Constituents of Cinnamomum rupestre and Cinnamomum nanophyllum
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Volume 49, No. 4

Ragasa, C.Y., Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2013) Chemical Constituents of Cinnamomum rupestre and Cinnamomum nanophyllum
Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii , No. 4

Ragasa, C.Y., Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., & Del Fierro, R.S., (2013) Chemical constituents of Cinnamomum cebuense
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines

Ragasa, C.Y., Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2013) Chemical constituents of Cinnamomum griffithii
Chemistry of Natural Compounds Volume 49, No. 1

Ragasa, C.Y., Espineli, D.L., Agoo, E.M.G., & Shen, C.C., (2013) Chemical constituents of Cinnamomum griffithii
Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii , No. 1

Agoo, E.M.G., & Madulid, D.A., (2012) Cycas sancti-lasallei (Cycadaceae), a new species from the Philippines
Blumea Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography Volume 57, No. 2

Madulid, D.A., Buot, I.E., Jr., & Agoo, E.M.G., (2007) Rafflesia panchoana (Rafflesiaceae), a New Species from Luzon Island, Philippines
Acta Manilana Volume 55

Madulid, D.A., Buot, I.E., Jr., & Agoo, E.M.G., (2012) The Philippine Rafflesia panchoana from Mt. Makiling, Luzon and R. manilana from Basey, Samar, compared (Rafflesiaceae)
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology Volume 6

Madulid, D.A., & Agoo, E.M.G., (2009) Taxonomy and conservation of Philippine Cycads
Blumea Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography Volume 54, No. 13

Agoo, E.M.G., & Oyong, G., (2007) Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Tectona philippinensis Benth. & Hook.f. (Verbenaceae) Inferred from TRNL Intron Sequences
The Philippine Scientist Volume 45

Obico, J.J.A., Bagay, C.K.C., Asencion, A.S., Agoo, E.M.G., & Medecillo, M.M., (2009) Comparative Study of the Leaf Morphology of Epipremnum Schott and Rhaphidophora Hassk. (Araceae) in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology Volume 1, No. 1

Agoo, E.M.G., (2009) Status of Orchid Taxonomy Research in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology

Madulid, D.A., & Agoo, E.M.G., (2008) On the identity of Rafflesia manillana Teschem. (Rafflesiaceae)
The Philippine Scientist Volume 44

Agoo, E.M.G., (2008) New taxa of Philippine Trichoglottis Blume (Orchidaceae)
The Philippine Scientist Volume 43

Madulid, D.A., & Agoo, E.M.G., (2005) A New Species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) from the Philippines
Blumea Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography Volume 50, No. 3

Ng, V.A.S., Agoo, E.M., Shen, C.C., & Ragasa, C.Y., (2015) Chemical Constituents of Cycas nitida
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Volume 6, No. 6

Knothe, G., Razon, L.F., Madulid, D.A., Agoo, E.M.G., & de Castro, M.E.G., (2017) Methyl esters (biodiesel) from Pachyrhizus erosus seed oil
Biofuels Volume 9

Knothe, G., Razon, L.F., Madulid, D.A., Agoo, E.M.G., & de Castro, M.E.G., (2017) Fatty Acid Profiles of Garuga floribunda, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Melanolepis multiglandulosa and Premna odorata Seed Oils
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Volume 94, No. 2

Knothe, G., Razon, L.F., Madulid, D.A., Agoo, E.M.G., & de Castro, M.E.G., (2016) Fatty Acid Profiles of Some Fabaceae Seed Oils
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Volume 93, No. 7